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Featured Jobs:

Aircraft Mechanic

$28.50 – $33.50/hr

Location: Denver International Airport

2+ Years Mechanical Experience

Repairs and services tow tractors, baggage carts, buses, trucks, and service vans. Maintains heavy equipment that includes hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical machinery….


$28.50 – $33.50/hr

Location: Denver International Airport

2+ Years Mechanical Experience

Repairs and services tow tractors, baggage carts, buses, trucks, and service vans. Maintains heavy equipment that includes hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical machinery….

San Antonio – Aircraft Structures Mechanic

Pay Rate:

$35.00 – $40.00/hr


San Antonio, Texas


4+ Years

This mechanic maintains repairs and modifies aircraft structures and structural components of moderate difficulty, maintains and repairs aircraft components including but not limited to flight controls, engines, hydraulics, pneumatics, fuel systems, and mechanical components…

Just a test

Pay Rate:

$35.00 – $40.00/hr


San Antonio, Texas


4+ Years

This mechanic maintains repairs and modifies aircraft structures and structural components of moderate difficulty, maintains and repairs aircraft components including but not limited to flight controls, engines, hydraulics, pneumatics, fuel systems, and mechanical components…

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