Aircraft Avionics Glossary

Aircraft Avionics Instruments

Aircraft Avionics Glossary – Take Flight with Confidence by Expanding your Knowledge

Here are some navigation systems and communication methods commonly used in aircraft:


  • Air Data System (ADS): This system collects data on airspeed, altitude and heading by utilizing pitot static and pressure sensors.
  • Altitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS): By combining gyros, accelerometers, and magnetometers this system provides information on the aircrafts attitude and heading.
  • Doppler Radar: Ground speed and drift over the ground can be measured using this radar system.
  • Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS): Satellite signals, such as GPS or GLONASS are used to determine position and timing information.
  • Inertial Navigation System (INS): This system tracks the aircrafts position and movement internally without relying on references.
  • Radio Direction Finding (RDF): With RDF technology it becomes possible to determine the direction of a radio signal source.
  • Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range (VOR): VOR is a ground-based navigation system that provides azimuth information based on radio waves.


  • Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B): ADS B allows for transmission of aircraft position data to air traffic control as well as other aircraft.
  • Transponder: Send coded information in response to radar or ground station interrogation transponders send coded information.
  • High Frequency (HF) Radio: HF radio communication is used for long distance flights or operations conducted over bodies of water.
  • Very High Frequency (VHF) Radio: VHF radio communication is another method utilized for communication during flights. These systems are the means of communication for both air to air and air to ground purposes.
  • Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) Radios: Commonly used for tactical and emergency communication within line of sight.

Flight control:

  • Autopilot: Responsible for managing the aircrafts attitude, speed and heading based on either pilot inputs or preprogrammed flight plans.
  • Flight Management System (FMS): Responsible for storing and organizing flight plans, calculating navigation data, and providing guidance information to the pilot.
  • Flight Director: Provides visual instructions on instruments to guide the pilot towards the desired flight path.
  • Head Up Display (HUD): which projects flight information like airspeed, altitude and heading onto a transparent display within the pilots field of view.

Engines and Systems Monitoring:

  • Electronic Engine Control (EEC): Manages engine parameters such as fuel flow, power output and emissions.
  • Integrated Electronic Instrument System (IEIS) displays engine data as well as information about other aircraft systems on a central computer screen.
  • Master Warning System: Alerts pilots of malfunctions or system failures.
  • Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS): provides warnings and suggests actions to avoid midair collisions with other aircraft.


  • ADC: Analog, to Digital Converter
  • CDU: Control Display Unit
  • EFIS: Electronic Flight Instrument System
  • ILS: Instrument Landing System
  • PFD: Primary Flight Display
  • RMI: Radio Magnetic Indicator
  • TAWS: Terrain Awareness and Warning System

Additional Terms:

  • Datalink: It refers to a two-way communication system used for communicating with air traffic control or other aircraft.
  • Headset: A device that provides pilots with communication capabilities and noise protection.
  • Radar: This technology helps in detecting objects by using radio waves to measure their distance and direction.
  • Radio Navigation: The use of radio signals to determine the position of an aircraft and track its path along a route.

Although this is not a list it includes some of the most commonly used avionics terms found in modern aircraft.

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